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[\\doc\\mus\\mus10\\lcs | Stanford Digital Repository](https://purl.stanford.edu/yd668xf8379)
[[IRCAM]]と[[CCRMA]]で使われた[[MUSIC N#MUSIC IV|MUSIC IV]]の派生の一つ。後継として[[MUSCMP]]がある。
> It is worth pointing out that the starting point of MUS10 was an existing ALGOL parser, modified for music synthesis. We shall see several examples of this later in which the language designer simply took an existing language cmpiler and modified it to suit musical requirements. This is a very simple but effective way to start a language design.([Programming languages for computer music synthesis, performance, and composition | ACM Computing Surveys](https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/4468.4485), p248)
これがMUSIC 10と同じものなのかがいまいちわかっていない
Music10は1966年らしいので別物かも(「Inside Computer Music」, p26)
MUS10も1966年らしいが・・・?(「Computer Music Tutorial」日本語版p650)
- ここではChowning、D.Poole、L. Smithの3人の名前になってる
[[120 Years of Electronic Music]]見ると、うーん・・・?
| year | name | place | developed by |
| ---- | -------- | ------------------- | --------------------------- |
| 1969 | Music 10 | Stanford University | John Chowning, James Moorer |
| 1973 | Music 11 | M.I.T. | Barry Vercoe |
| 1977 | Mus10 | Stanford University | Leland Smith, John Tovar |
[‘MUSIC N’, Max Vernon Mathews, USA, 1957 – 120 Years of Electronic Music](https://120years.net/music-n-max-mathews-usa-1957)