2020-03-23 15:17:21 +09:00

798 B


Expand shortcode can help to decrease clutter on screen by hiding part of text. Expand content by clicking on it.



{{</* expand */>}}
## Markdown content
Lorem markdownum insigne...
{{</* /expand */>}}

{{< expand >}}

Markdown content

Lorem markdownum insigne... {{< /expand >}}

With Custom Label

{{</* expand "Custom Label" "..." */>}}
## Markdown content
Lorem markdownum insigne...
{{</* /expand */>}}

{{< expand "Custom Label" "..." >}}

Markdown content

Lorem markdownum insigne. Olympo signis Delphis! Retexi Nereius nova develat stringit, frustra Saturnius uteroque inter! Oculis non ritibus Telethusa protulit, sed sed aere valvis inhaesuro Pallas animam: qui quid, ignes. Miseratus fonte Ditis conubia. {{< /expand >}}