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松浦 知也 Matsuura Tomoya 2025-02-19 17:05:29 +09:00
parent 4dc67e758c
commit 7abd422536
2 changed files with 1 additions and 48 deletions

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@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
date: 2025-02-19 15:08
まず、このサブミッションは、十分に匿名化されてるとは言えません。デモ動画から個人のソーシャルメディアへアクセスできてしまうのと、参考文献に著者本人の論文が明示されてしまっています。 私はここで投稿者や今回のデモに関わる情報を知らなかったことを約束した上で、査読コメントを書きます。
Creative and Intellectual Merit: オーディオフィードバックを演奏に積極的に用いる実践は、コンピューター以前の電子音楽から繰り返し行われてきています。ポピュラー音楽やフリージャズといった文脈での管楽器とフィードバックの組み合わせの実践と知見は、ICMCを含む学術的なコミュニティで積極的に取り扱われてきたわけではない。 その意味では、本発表をアクセプトすることには一定の価値がある。一方で、投稿者はJohn Butcherのような実践をすでによく知られたものとして触れるに留まっているが、こうした実践の歴史の存在はより詳細に説明されるべきだろう。
Practical Functionality: 投稿者は、技術的な詳細、特にDaisyの信号処理のコードの内容を説明するべきだ。投稿の内容からは、フィードバックが安定している理由が、マイクやスピーカーの増幅が飽和しているからなのか、daisyで何か特別な信号処理を行なっているからなのか明らかでない。また、使用機材も略称になっているものが多いが、必ずしも論文を読む人はこうした機材に精通しているわけではないため、わかるものは可能な限り正確な機材名を提供する方が良いe.g. DPA microphone, Electret mic capsule, Art preamp Boss effects pedals and so on.また、細かいことだがDaisy Seedの説明でrunning Arduinoという言い方は正確ではないと思う。"Arduino sketch"の方が誤解がないだろう。)
Suitability for Interactive Presentation: 体験者がストラップをつけて持つ必要がないように、スタンドの準備が考慮されていることは良いと思う。デモ体験者がマウスピースに口をつけて演奏をすることを想定しているかどうかは、衛生面の対策とともに記述があった方が良い。また、サクソフォンを会場で借りることを想定しているのであれば、楽器内へのマイクロフォンの設置をどのように行なっているのかの説明も必要だろう。これは今回のデモだけでなく、キット化を目指すのであれば同様に必要になる。
Impact Potential: フィードバックを用いる演奏に関する学術的な議論は、Sanfilippo&Valle(2013)やEck(2017)などがあるものの、演奏者自身の知見の記述はまだまだ少なく、アカデミックなコンピューター音楽とそれ以外を繋げる話題の一つとしても重要なものである。ただその意味では、このシステムを使って筆者がどのように演奏しているのか、自分の演奏に合わせて楽器やシステムをどのようにチューンしていったのかの一人称的、経験的記述がより詳細になされるべきだ。
そうした、今後のICMCのコミュニティをオープンにしていくための意見表明も含め、私はこの投稿にはpossible acceptの評価をつけたい。
Eck, C. van. (2017). _Between air and electricity: Microphones and loudspeakers as musical instruments_. https://www.bloomsbury.com/uk/between-air-and-electricity-9781501327605/
Sanfilippo, D., & Valle, A. (2013). Feedback Systems: An Analytical Framework. _Computer Music Journal_, _37_(3), 2648. https://doi.org/10.1162/COMJ
First, this submission cannot be considered sufficiently anonymized. The demo video allows access to an individual's social media, and the references explicitly list papers authored by the submitter. I assure you that I was unaware of the submitters identity or any information related to this demo before writing this review.
Creative and Intellectual Merit: The practice of actively incorporating audio feedback into performance has been recurrent since the era of pre-computer electronic music. While the combination of wind instruments and feedback has been explored in popular music and free jazz contexts, it has not been extensively addressed within academic communities such as ICMC. In that sense, accepting this presentation holds some value. However, the submitter only briefly mentions practices like those of John Butcher as if they are already well-known. The historical context of such practices should be explained in greater detail.
Practical Functionality: The submitter should provide technical details, particularly regarding the signal processing code for Daisy. From the submission, it is unclear whether the feedback remains stable because the amplification of the microphone and speaker is saturating or because some special signal processing is being performed in Daisy. Additionally, many of the equipment names are written as abbreviations, but readers may not necessarily be familiar with these devices. It would be better to provide precise equipment names whenever possible (e.g., DPA microphone, Electret mic capsule, Art preamp, Boss effects pedals, and so on). (A minor point: the phrase "running Arduino" in the description of Daisy is not accurate. "Arduino sketch" would be a clearer term.)
Suitability for Interactive Presentation: It is commendable that the setup considers the possibility of using a stand so that participants do not have to hold the instrument with a strap. If the demo expects participants to put their mouths on the mouthpiece to play, there should be a description of hygiene measures. Additionally, if the saxophone is to be borrowed at the venue, an explanation of how the microphone is installed inside the instrument is necessary. This is not only relevant for this particular demo but also essential if the system is intended to be developed into a kit.
Impact Potential: While academic discussions on performance using feedback exist (e.g., Sanfilippo & Valle (2013), Eck (2017)), there is still a lack of detailed descriptions from the performers' perspectives. This topic is significant in bridging academic computer music and other musical practices. In that sense, more detailed first-person and empirical accounts should be included, explaining how the submitter plays using this system and how they have adjusted the instrument and system to suit their performance.
Overall Evaluation: The submitter's unique practice has the potential to make an intellectual contribution to this community. However, in addition to the lack of anonymization, there are several formal issues with the paper, such as improper citation formatting (using footnotes instead of cite).
Moreover, nearly half of the submission describes what the submitter plans to do rather than what has already been done. This is unfortunate, as one of the uniqueness of this project is its continuity over more than a decade, yet this temporal depth is not adequately conveyed in the paper.
That said, as a reviewer, I personally believe that opening academic discussions at future ICMC events to long-term, personal projects like this submission is important. Projects tied to an individual's history often become difficult to explain meaningfully when anonymized. In the future, it may be worth considering allowing authors to opt for single-blind submissions.
Taking these considerations into account, and as a statement in favor of making the ICMC community more open, I would like to assign this submission a "possible accept".

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Subproject commit 5ee1c20afd859576457f5e57c181787c9815751b
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