import remarkParse from 'remark-parse' import remarkRehype from 'remark-rehype' import { Processor, unified } from "unified" import { Root as MDRoot } from 'remark-parse/lib' import { Root as HTMLRoot } from 'hast' import { ProcessedContent } from '../plugins/vfile' import { PerfTimer } from '../perf' import { read } from 'to-vfile' import { pathToSlug } from '../path' import path from 'path' import { QuartzTransformerPlugin } from '../plugins/types' export type QuartzProcessor = Processor export function createProcessor(transformers: QuartzTransformerPlugin[]): any { // base Markdown -> MD AST let processor = unified().use(remarkParse) // MD AST -> MD AST transforms for (const plugin of transformers) { processor = processor.use(plugin.markdownPlugins()) } // MD AST -> HTML AST processor = processor.use(remarkRehype, { allowDangerousHtml: true }) // HTML AST -> HTML AST transforms for (const plugin of transformers) { processor = processor.use(plugin.htmlPlugins()) } return processor } export async function parseMarkdown(processor: QuartzProcessor, baseDir: string, fps: string[], verbose: boolean): Promise { const perf = new PerfTimer() const res: ProcessedContent[] = [] for (const fp of fps) { const file = await read(fp) // base data properties that plugins may use = pathToSlug(path.relative(baseDir, file.path)) = fp const ast = processor.parse(file) res.push([await, file), file]) if (verbose) { console.log(`[process] ${fp} -> ${}`) } } if (verbose) { console.log(`Parsed and transformed ${res.length} Markdown files in ${perf.timeSince()}`) } return res }