#person 1960年代に[[Max Mathews]]とともに知られた電子音楽家・科学者。 シェパード・トーンの発見などで有名。 めっちゃ初期の取り組みから生まれた曲に”Little Boy”という広島に落とされた原爆をモチーフにした曲がある https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RcX0ubvoZUA Youtubeのコメントにある > The music is great, but video... It is worth to know that the Suite has an exact narrative. According to Jean-Claude Risset: "this music I composed for the play Little Boy by Pierre Halet. The theme of the play is the revival of the Hiroshima bombing in the form of a nightmare of Eatherly, the pilot of a reconnaissance plane who later developed guilt jeopardizing his mental health. Fall corresponds to the release of the bomb. The pilot thinks that Little Boy, the bomb with which he identifies himself, is falling - in fact this is a psychological collapse that never reaches any bottom. To illustrate this, I have produced a paradoxical glissando, which appears to glide down for ever amidst more normal tones. This is accomplished by ganging together a number of octave components, as pioneered by organ makers such as Callinet centuries ago and by psychologist Roger Shepard with the computer, and used in instrumental music from Bach to Berg and later my own Phases for orchestra". パイロット視点で描かれた曲で、3部構成のうち2番目のFallでは爆弾の投下がシェパードトーンによる無限の降下として表現されている [mikms.music.coocan.jp/page3007.html](http://mikms.music.coocan.jp/page3007.html) たとえばここだと「s」