import { QuartzComponentConstructor, QuartzComponentProps } from "./types" import legacyStyle from "./styles/legacyToc.scss" import modernStyle from "./styles/toc.scss" interface Options { layout: 'modern' | 'legacy' } const defaultOptions: Options = { layout: 'modern' } export default ((opts?: Partial) => { const layout = opts?.layout ?? defaultOptions.layout function TableOfContents({ fileData }: QuartzComponentProps) { if (!fileData.toc) { return null } return

Table of Contents

} TableOfContents.css = layout === "modern" ? modernStyle : legacyStyle if (layout === "modern") { TableOfContents.afterDOMLoaded = ` const bufferPx = 150 const observer = new IntersectionObserver(entries => { for (const entry of entries) { const slug = const tocEntryElement = document.querySelector(\`a[data-for="$\{slug\}"]\`) const windowHeight = entry.rootBounds?.height if (windowHeight && tocEntryElement) { if (entry.boundingClientRect.y < windowHeight) { tocEntryElement.classList.add("in-view") } else { tocEntryElement.classList.remove("in-view") } } } }) function init() { const headers = document.querySelectorAll("h1[id], h2[id], h3[id], h4[id], h5[id], h6[id]") headers.forEach(header => observer.observe(header)) } init() document.addEventListener("spa_nav", (e) => { observer.disconnect() init() }) ` } return TableOfContents }) satisfies QuartzComponentConstructor