import path from "path" import fs from "fs" import { QuartzConfig } from "../cfg" import { PerfTimer } from "../perf" import { getStaticResourcesFromPlugins } from "../plugins" import { EmitCallback } from "../plugins/types" import { ProcessedContent } from "../plugins/vfile" import { QUARTZ, slugify } from "../path" import { globbyStream } from "globby" export async function emitContent(output: string, cfg: QuartzConfig, content: ProcessedContent[], verbose: boolean) { const perf = new PerfTimer() const staticResources = getStaticResourcesFromPlugins(cfg.plugins) const emit: EmitCallback = async ({ slug, ext, content }) => { const pathToPage = path.join(output, slug + ext) const dir = path.dirname(pathToPage) await fs.promises.mkdir(dir, { recursive: true }) await fs.promises.writeFile(pathToPage, content) return pathToPage } let emittedFiles = 0 for (const emitter of cfg.plugins.emitters) { const emitted = await emitter.emit(content, staticResources, emit) emittedFiles += emitted.length if (verbose) { for (const file of emitted) { console.log(`[emit:${}] ${file}`) } } } const staticPath = path.join(QUARTZ, "static") await fs.promises.cp(staticPath, path.join(output, "static"), { recursive: true }) // glob all non MD/MDX/HTML files in content folder and copy it over const assetsPath = path.join("public", "assets") for await (const fp of globbyStream("**", { ignore: ["**/*.{md,mdx,html}"], cwd: "./content", })) { const ext = path.extname(fp as string) const src = path.join("content", fp as string) const dest = path.join(assetsPath, slugify(fp as string) + ext) const dir = path.dirname(dest) await fs.promises.mkdir(dir, { recursive: true }) // ensure dir exists await fs.promises.copyFile(src, dest) emittedFiles += 1 if (verbose) { console.log(`[emit:Assets] ${dest}`) } } if (verbose) { console.log(`[emit:Static] ${path.join(output, "static", "**")}`) console.log(`Emitted ${emittedFiles} files to \`${output}\` in ${perf.timeSince()}`) } }