import chalk from "chalk" import process from "process" import { isMainThread } from "workerpool" const rootFile = /.*at file:/ export function trace(msg: string, err: Error) { const stack = err.stack const lines: string[] = [] lines.push("") lines.push( "\n" +" ERROR ") + "\n" +` ${msg}`) + (err.message.length > 0 ? `: ${err.message}` : ""), ) if (!stack) { return } let reachedEndOfLegibleTrace = false for (const line of stack.split("\n").slice(1)) { if (reachedEndOfLegibleTrace) { break } if (!line.includes("node_modules")) { lines.push(` ${line}`) if (rootFile.test(line)) { reachedEndOfLegibleTrace = true } } } const traceMsg = lines.join("\n") if (!isMainThread) { // gather lines and throw throw new Error(traceMsg) } else { // print and exit console.error(traceMsg) process.exit(1) } }