import { FilePath, ServerSlug } from "../../path" import { QuartzEmitterPlugin } from "../types" // @ts-ignore import spaRouterScript from "../../components/scripts/spa.inline" // @ts-ignore import plausibleScript from "../../components/scripts/plausible.inline" // @ts-ignore import popoverScript from "../../components/scripts/popover.inline" import styles from "../../styles/base.scss" import popoverStyle from "../../components/styles/popover.scss" import { BuildCtx } from "../../ctx" import { StaticResources } from "../../resources" import { QuartzComponent } from "../../components/types" import { googleFontHref, joinStyles } from "../../theme" import { Features, transform } from "lightningcss" type ComponentResources = { css: string[] beforeDOMLoaded: string[] afterDOMLoaded: string[] } function getComponentResources(ctx: BuildCtx): ComponentResources { const allComponents: Set = new Set() for (const emitter of ctx.cfg.plugins.emitters) { const components = emitter.getQuartzComponents(ctx) for (const component of components) { allComponents.add(component) } } const componentResources = { css: new Set(), beforeDOMLoaded: new Set(), afterDOMLoaded: new Set(), } for (const component of allComponents) { const { css, beforeDOMLoaded, afterDOMLoaded } = component if (css) { componentResources.css.add(css) } if (beforeDOMLoaded) { componentResources.beforeDOMLoaded.add(beforeDOMLoaded) } if (afterDOMLoaded) { componentResources.afterDOMLoaded.add(afterDOMLoaded) } } return { css: [...componentResources.css], beforeDOMLoaded: [...componentResources.beforeDOMLoaded], afterDOMLoaded: [...componentResources.afterDOMLoaded], } } function joinScripts(scripts: string[]): string { // wrap with iife to prevent scope collision return => `(function () {${script}})();`).join("\n") } function addGlobalPageResources( ctx: BuildCtx, staticResources: StaticResources, componentResources: ComponentResources, ) { const cfg = ctx.cfg.configuration const reloadScript = ctx.argv.serve // popovers if (cfg.enablePopovers) { componentResources.afterDOMLoaded.push(popoverScript) componentResources.css.push(popoverStyle) } if ( === "google") { const tagId = staticResources.js.push({ src: `${tagId}`, contentType: "external", loadTime: "afterDOMReady", }) componentResources.afterDOMLoaded.push(` window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag() { dataLayer.push(arguments); } gtag(\`js\`, new Date()); gtag(\`config\`, \`${tagId}\`, { send_page_view: false }); document.addEventListener(\`nav\`, () => { gtag(\`event\`, \`page_view\`, { page_title: document.title, page_location: location.href, }); });`) } else if ( === "plausible") { componentResources.afterDOMLoaded.push(plausibleScript) } if (cfg.enableSPA) { componentResources.afterDOMLoaded.push(spaRouterScript) } else { componentResources.afterDOMLoaded.push(` window.spaNavigate = (url, _) => window.location.assign(url) const event = new CustomEvent("nav", { detail: { slug: document.body.dataset.slug } }) document.dispatchEvent(event)`) } if (reloadScript) { staticResources.js.push({ loadTime: "afterDOMReady", contentType: "inline", script: ` const socket = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:3001') socket.addEventListener('message', () => document.location.reload()) `, }) } } interface Options { fontOrigin: "googleFonts" | "local" } const defaultOptions: Options = { fontOrigin: "googleFonts", } export const ComponentResources: QuartzEmitterPlugin = (opts?: Partial) => { const { fontOrigin } = { ...defaultOptions, ...opts } return { name: "ComponentResources", getQuartzComponents() { return [] }, async emit(ctx, _content, resources, emit): Promise { // component specific scripts and styles const componentResources = getComponentResources(ctx) // important that this goes *after* component scripts // as the "nav" event gets triggered here and we should make sure // that everyone else had the chance to register a listener for it if (fontOrigin === "googleFonts") { resources.css.push(googleFontHref(ctx.cfg.configuration.theme)) } else if (fontOrigin === "local") { // let the user do it themselves in css } addGlobalPageResources(ctx, resources, componentResources) const stylesheet = joinStyles(ctx.cfg.configuration.theme, styles, ...componentResources.css) const prescript = joinScripts(componentResources.beforeDOMLoaded) const postscript = joinScripts(componentResources.afterDOMLoaded) const fps = await Promise.all([ emit({ slug: "index" as ServerSlug, ext: ".css", content: transform({ filename: "index.css", code: Buffer.from(stylesheet), minify: true, targets: { safari: (15 << 16) | (6 << 8), // 15.6 ios_saf: (15 << 16) | (6 << 8), // 15.6 edge: 115 << 16, firefox: 102 << 16, chrome: 109 << 16, }, include: Features.MediaQueries, }).code.toString(), }), emit({ slug: "prescript" as ServerSlug, ext: ".js", content: prescript, }), emit({ slug: "postscript" as ServerSlug, ext: ".js", content: postscript, }), ]) return fps }, } }