Added optional rendering of code block titles (#148)
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
function addTitleToCodeBlocks() {
var els = document.getElementsByClassName("highlight");
for (var i = 0; i < els.length; i++) {
if (els[i].title.length) {
let div = document.createElement("div");
if (els[i].getElementsByClassName("code-title").length) continue;
els[i].insertBefore(div, els[i].firstChild);
@ -1,18 +1,26 @@
const userPref = window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: light)').matches ? 'light' : 'dark'
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const currentTheme = localStorage.getItem('theme') ?? userPref
const syntaxTheme = document.querySelector("#theme-link");
{{ $darkSyntax := resources.Get "styles/_dark_syntax.scss" | resources.ToCSS (dict "outputStyle" "compressed") | resources.Fingerprint "md5" | resources.Minify }}
{{ $lightSyntax := resources.Get "styles/_light_syntax.scss" | resources.ToCSS (dict "outputStyle" "compressed") | resources.Fingerprint "md5" | resources.Minify }}
if (currentTheme) {
if (currentTheme) {
document.documentElement.setAttribute('saved-theme', currentTheme);
document.documentElement.setAttribute('saved-theme', currentTheme);
(currentTheme === 'dark') ? syntaxTheme.href = '{{ $darkSyntax.Permalink }}' : syntaxTheme.href = '{{ $lightSyntax.Permalink }}';
const switchTheme = (e) => {
const switchTheme = (e) => {
if ( {
if ( {
document.documentElement.setAttribute('saved-theme', 'dark')
document.documentElement.setAttribute('saved-theme', 'dark');
localStorage.setItem('theme', 'dark')
localStorage.setItem('theme', 'dark');
syntaxTheme.href = '{{ $darkSyntax.Permalink }}';
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document.documentElement.setAttribute('saved-theme', 'light')
document.documentElement.setAttribute('saved-theme', 'light')
localStorage.setItem('theme', 'light')
localStorage.setItem('theme', 'light')
syntaxTheme.href = '{{ $lightSyntax.Permalink }}';
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
/* Background */ .bg { color: #f8f8f2; background-color: #282a36; }
/* PreWrapper */ .chroma { color: #f8f8f2; background-color: #282a36; }
/* Other */ .chroma .x { }
/* Error */ .chroma .err { }
/* CodeLine */ .chroma .cl { }
/* LineTableTD */ .chroma .lntd { vertical-align: top; padding: 0; margin: 0; border: 0; }
/* LineTable */ .chroma .lntable { border-spacing: 0; padding: 0; margin: 0; border: 0; }
/* LineHighlight */ .chroma .hl { background-color: #ffffcc }
/* LineNumbersTable */ .chroma .lnt { white-space: pre; user-select: none; margin-right: 0.4em; padding: 0 0.4em 0 0.4em;color: #7f7f7f }
/* LineNumbers */ .chroma .ln { white-space: pre; user-select: none; margin-right: 0.4em; padding: 0 0.4em 0 0.4em;color: #7f7f7f }
/* Line */ .chroma .line { display: flex; }
/* Keyword */ .chroma .k { color: #ff79c6 }
/* KeywordConstant */ .chroma .kc { color: #ff79c6 }
/* KeywordDeclaration */ .chroma .kd { color: #8be9fd; font-style: italic }
/* KeywordNamespace */ .chroma .kn { color: #ff79c6 }
/* KeywordPseudo */ .chroma .kp { color: #ff79c6 }
/* KeywordReserved */ .chroma .kr { color: #ff79c6 }
/* KeywordType */ .chroma .kt { color: #8be9fd }
/* Name */ .chroma .n { }
/* NameAttribute */ .chroma .na { color: #50fa7b }
/* NameBuiltin */ .chroma .nb { color: #8be9fd; font-style: italic }
/* NameBuiltinPseudo */ .chroma .bp { }
/* NameClass */ .chroma .nc { color: #50fa7b }
/* NameConstant */ .chroma .no { }
/* NameDecorator */ .chroma .nd { }
/* NameEntity */ .chroma .ni { }
/* NameException */ .chroma .ne { }
/* NameFunction */ .chroma .nf { color: #50fa7b }
/* NameFunctionMagic */ .chroma .fm { }
/* NameLabel */ .chroma .nl { color: #8be9fd; font-style: italic }
/* NameNamespace */ .chroma .nn { }
/* NameOther */ .chroma .nx { }
/* NameProperty */ .chroma .py { }
/* NameTag */ .chroma .nt { color: #ff79c6 }
/* NameVariable */ .chroma .nv { color: #8be9fd; font-style: italic }
/* NameVariableClass */ .chroma .vc { color: #8be9fd; font-style: italic }
/* NameVariableGlobal */ .chroma .vg { color: #8be9fd; font-style: italic }
/* NameVariableInstance */ .chroma .vi { color: #8be9fd; font-style: italic }
/* NameVariableMagic */ .chroma .vm { }
/* Literal */ .chroma .l { }
/* LiteralDate */ .chroma .ld { }
/* LiteralString */ .chroma .s { color: #f1fa8c }
/* LiteralStringAffix */ .chroma .sa { color: #f1fa8c }
/* LiteralStringBacktick */ .chroma .sb { color: #f1fa8c }
/* LiteralStringChar */ .chroma .sc { color: #f1fa8c }
/* LiteralStringDelimiter */ .chroma .dl { color: #f1fa8c }
/* LiteralStringDoc */ .chroma .sd { color: #f1fa8c }
/* LiteralStringDouble */ .chroma .s2 { color: #f1fa8c }
/* LiteralStringEscape */ .chroma .se { color: #f1fa8c }
/* LiteralStringHeredoc */ .chroma .sh { color: #f1fa8c }
/* LiteralStringInterpol */ .chroma .si { color: #f1fa8c }
/* LiteralStringOther */ .chroma .sx { color: #f1fa8c }
/* LiteralStringRegex */ .chroma .sr { color: #f1fa8c }
/* LiteralStringSingle */ .chroma .s1 { color: #f1fa8c }
/* LiteralStringSymbol */ .chroma .ss { color: #f1fa8c }
/* LiteralNumber */ .chroma .m { color: #bd93f9 }
/* LiteralNumberBin */ .chroma .mb { color: #bd93f9 }
/* LiteralNumberFloat */ .chroma .mf { color: #bd93f9 }
/* LiteralNumberHex */ .chroma .mh { color: #bd93f9 }
/* LiteralNumberInteger */ .chroma .mi { color: #bd93f9 }
/* LiteralNumberIntegerLong */ .chroma .il { color: #bd93f9 }
/* LiteralNumberOct */ .chroma .mo { color: #bd93f9 }
/* Operator */ .chroma .o { color: #ff79c6 }
/* OperatorWord */ .chroma .ow { color: #ff79c6 }
/* Punctuation */ .chroma .p { }
/* Comment */ .chroma .c { color: #6272a4 }
/* CommentHashbang */ .chroma .ch { color: #6272a4 }
/* CommentMultiline */ .chroma .cm { color: #6272a4 }
/* CommentSingle */ .chroma .c1 { color: #6272a4 }
/* CommentSpecial */ .chroma .cs { color: #6272a4 }
/* CommentPreproc */ .chroma .cp { color: #ff79c6 }
/* CommentPreprocFile */ .chroma .cpf { color: #ff79c6 }
/* Generic */ .chroma .g { }
/* GenericDeleted */ .chroma .gd { color: #ff5555 }
/* GenericEmph */ .chroma .ge { text-decoration: underline }
/* GenericError */ .chroma .gr { }
/* GenericHeading */ .chroma .gh { font-weight: bold }
/* GenericInserted */ .chroma .gi { color: #50fa7b; font-weight: bold }
/* GenericOutput */ .chroma .go { color: #44475a }
/* GenericPrompt */ .chroma .gp { }
/* GenericStrong */ .chroma .gs { }
/* GenericSubheading */ .chroma .gu { font-weight: bold }
/* GenericTraceback */ .chroma .gt { }
/* GenericUnderline */ .chroma .gl { text-decoration: underline }
/* TextWhitespace */ .chroma .w { }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
/* Background */ .bg { color: #272822; background-color: #fafafa; }
/* PreWrapper */ .chroma { color: #272822; background-color: #fafafa; }
/* Other */ .chroma .x { }
/* Error */ .chroma .err { color: #960050; background-color: #1e0010 }
/* CodeLine */ .chroma .cl { }
/* LineTableTD */ .chroma .lntd { vertical-align: top; padding: 0; margin: 0; border: 0; }
/* LineTable */ .chroma .lntable { border-spacing: 0; padding: 0; margin: 0; border: 0; }
/* LineHighlight */ .chroma .hl { background-color: #ffffcc }
/* LineNumbersTable */ .chroma .lnt { white-space: pre; user-select: none; margin-right: 0.4em; padding: 0 0.4em 0 0.4em;color: #7f7f7f }
/* LineNumbers */ .chroma .ln { white-space: pre; user-select: none; margin-right: 0.4em; padding: 0 0.4em 0 0.4em;color: #7f7f7f }
/* Line */ .chroma .line { display: flex; }
/* Keyword */ .chroma .k { color: #00a8c8 }
/* KeywordConstant */ .chroma .kc { color: #00a8c8 }
/* KeywordDeclaration */ .chroma .kd { color: #00a8c8 }
/* KeywordNamespace */ .chroma .kn { color: #f92672 }
/* KeywordPseudo */ .chroma .kp { color: #00a8c8 }
/* KeywordReserved */ .chroma .kr { color: #00a8c8 }
/* KeywordType */ .chroma .kt { color: #00a8c8 }
/* Name */ .chroma .n { color: #111111 }
/* NameAttribute */ .chroma .na { color: #75af00 }
/* NameBuiltin */ .chroma .nb { color: #111111 }
/* NameBuiltinPseudo */ .chroma .bp { color: #111111 }
/* NameClass */ .chroma .nc { color: #75af00 }
/* NameConstant */ .chroma .no { color: #00a8c8 }
/* NameDecorator */ .chroma .nd { color: #75af00 }
/* NameEntity */ .chroma .ni { color: #111111 }
/* NameException */ .chroma .ne { color: #75af00 }
/* NameFunction */ .chroma .nf { color: #75af00 }
/* NameFunctionMagic */ .chroma .fm { color: #111111 }
/* NameLabel */ .chroma .nl { color: #111111 }
/* NameNamespace */ .chroma .nn { color: #111111 }
/* NameOther */ .chroma .nx { color: #75af00 }
/* NameProperty */ .chroma .py { color: #111111 }
/* NameTag */ .chroma .nt { color: #f92672 }
/* NameVariable */ .chroma .nv { color: #111111 }
/* NameVariableClass */ .chroma .vc { color: #111111 }
/* NameVariableGlobal */ .chroma .vg { color: #111111 }
/* NameVariableInstance */ .chroma .vi { color: #111111 }
/* NameVariableMagic */ .chroma .vm { color: #111111 }
/* Literal */ .chroma .l { color: #ae81ff }
/* LiteralDate */ .chroma .ld { color: #d88200 }
/* LiteralString */ .chroma .s { color: #d88200 }
/* LiteralStringAffix */ .chroma .sa { color: #d88200 }
/* LiteralStringBacktick */ .chroma .sb { color: #d88200 }
/* LiteralStringChar */ .chroma .sc { color: #d88200 }
/* LiteralStringDelimiter */ .chroma .dl { color: #d88200 }
/* LiteralStringDoc */ .chroma .sd { color: #d88200 }
/* LiteralStringDouble */ .chroma .s2 { color: #d88200 }
/* LiteralStringEscape */ .chroma .se { color: #8045ff }
/* LiteralStringHeredoc */ .chroma .sh { color: #d88200 }
/* LiteralStringInterpol */ .chroma .si { color: #d88200 }
/* LiteralStringOther */ .chroma .sx { color: #d88200 }
/* LiteralStringRegex */ .chroma .sr { color: #d88200 }
/* LiteralStringSingle */ .chroma .s1 { color: #d88200 }
/* LiteralStringSymbol */ .chroma .ss { color: #d88200 }
/* LiteralNumber */ .chroma .m { color: #ae81ff }
/* LiteralNumberBin */ .chroma .mb { color: #ae81ff }
/* LiteralNumberFloat */ .chroma .mf { color: #ae81ff }
/* LiteralNumberHex */ .chroma .mh { color: #ae81ff }
/* LiteralNumberInteger */ .chroma .mi { color: #ae81ff }
/* LiteralNumberIntegerLong */ .chroma .il { color: #ae81ff }
/* LiteralNumberOct */ .chroma .mo { color: #ae81ff }
/* Operator */ .chroma .o { color: #f92672 }
/* OperatorWord */ .chroma .ow { color: #f92672 }
/* Punctuation */ .chroma .p { color: #111111 }
/* Comment */ .chroma .c { color: #75715e }
/* CommentHashbang */ .chroma .ch { color: #75715e }
/* CommentMultiline */ .chroma .cm { color: #75715e }
/* CommentSingle */ .chroma .c1 { color: #75715e }
/* CommentSpecial */ .chroma .cs { color: #75715e }
/* CommentPreproc */ .chroma .cp { color: #75715e }
/* CommentPreprocFile */ .chroma .cpf { color: #75715e }
/* Generic */ .chroma .g { }
/* GenericDeleted */ .chroma .gd { }
/* GenericEmph */ .chroma .ge { font-style: italic }
/* GenericError */ .chroma .gr { }
/* GenericHeading */ .chroma .gh { }
/* GenericInserted */ .chroma .gi { }
/* GenericOutput */ .chroma .go { }
/* GenericPrompt */ .chroma .gp { }
/* GenericStrong */ .chroma .gs { font-weight: bold }
/* GenericSubheading */ .chroma .gu { }
/* GenericTraceback */ .chroma .gt { }
/* GenericUnderline */ .chroma .gl { }
/* TextWhitespace */ .chroma .w { }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
.code-title {
color: var(--primary) ;
font-family: monospace;
width: max-content;
overflow-x: auto;
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: middle;
font-weight: normal;
line-height: 1em;
position: relative;
padding: 0.5em 0.6em 0.6em; // + 1.2 em
max-width: calc(100% - 1.2em); // (-1.2 em) fits article width exactly
margin-bottom: -0.2em;
z-index: -1;
border-top-left-radius: 0.3em;
border-top-right-radius: 0.3em;
font-size: 0.9em;
background-color: var(--lightgray);
filter: hue-rotate(-30deg) contrast(1.0) opacity(0.8);
@ -1,99 +1,58 @@
/* Background */ .chroma { color: #f8f8f2; background-color: #282a36; overflow: hidden }
// Overrides
/* Other */ .chroma .x { }
/* Background */
/* Error */ .chroma .err { }
.chroma {
/* LineTableTD */ .chroma .lntd { vertical-align: top; padding: 0; margin: 0; border: 0; }
overflow: hidden !important;
/* LineTable */ .chroma .lntable { border-spacing: 0; padding: 0; margin: 0; border: 0; width: auto; overflow: auto; display: block; }
background-color: var(--lightgray) !important;
/* LineHighlight */ .chroma .hl { display: block; width: 100%;background-color: #ffffcc }
/* LineNumbersTable */ .chroma .lnt { margin-right: 0.4em; padding: 0 0.4em 0 0.4em;color: #7f7f7f }
/* LineNumbers */ .chroma .ln { margin-right: 0.4em; padding: 0 0.4em 0 0.4em;color: #7f7f7f }
/* LineTable */
/* Keyword */ .chroma .k { color: #ff79c6 }
.chroma .lntable {
/* KeywordConstant */ .chroma .kc { color: #ff79c6 }
width: auto !important;
/* KeywordDeclaration */ .chroma .kd { color: #8be9fd; font-style: italic }
overflow: auto !important;
/* KeywordNamespace */ .chroma .kn { color: #ff79c6 }
display: block !important;
/* KeywordPseudo */ .chroma .kp { color: #ff79c6 }
/* KeywordReserved */ .chroma .kr { color: #ff79c6 }
/* KeywordType */ .chroma .kt { color: #8be9fd }
/* LineHighlight */
/* Name */ .chroma .n { }
.chroma .hl {
/* NameAttribute */ .chroma .na { color: #50fa7b }
display: block !important;
/* NameBuiltin */ .chroma .nb { color: #8be9fd; font-style: italic }
width: 100% !important;
/* NameBuiltinPseudo */ .chroma .bp { }
/* NameClass */ .chroma .nc { color: #50fa7b }
/* NameConstant */ .chroma .no { }
/* LineNumbersTable */
/* NameDecorator */ .chroma .nd { }
.chroma .lnt {
/* NameEntity */ .chroma .ni { }
margin-right: 0.0em !important;
/* NameException */ .chroma .ne { }
padding: 0 0.0em 0 0.0em !important;
/* NameFunction */ .chroma .nf { color: #50fa7b }
/* NameFunctionMagic */ .chroma .fm { }
/* NameLabel */ .chroma .nl { color: #8be9fd; font-style: italic }
/* LineNumbers */
/* NameNamespace */ .chroma .nn { }
.chroma .ln {
/* NameOther */ .chroma .nx { }
margin-right: 0.0em !important;
/* NameProperty */ .chroma .py { }
padding: 0 0.0em 0 0.0em !important;
/* NameTag */ .chroma .nt { color: #ff79c6 }
/* NameVariable */ .chroma .nv { color: #8be9fd; font-style: italic }
/* NameVariableClass */ .chroma .vc { color: #8be9fd; font-style: italic }
/* GenericDeleted */
/* NameVariableGlobal */ .chroma .vg { color: #8be9fd; font-style: italic }
.chroma .gd {
/* NameVariableInstance */ .chroma .vi { color: #8be9fd; font-style: italic }
color: #8b080b !important;
/* NameVariableMagic */ .chroma .vm { }
/* Literal */ .chroma .l { }
/* LiteralDate */ .chroma .ld { }
/* GenericInserted */
/* LiteralString */ .chroma .s { color: #f1fa8c }
.chroma .gi {
/* LiteralStringAffix */ .chroma .sa { color: #f1fa8c }
font-weight: bold !important;
/* LiteralStringBacktick */ .chroma .sb { color: #f1fa8c }
/* LiteralStringChar */ .chroma .sc { color: #f1fa8c }
/* LiteralStringDelimiter */ .chroma .dl { color: #f1fa8c }
/* LiteralStringDoc */ .chroma .sd { color: #f1fa8c }
/* LiteralStringDouble */ .chroma .s2 { color: #f1fa8c }
/* LiteralStringEscape */ .chroma .se { color: #f1fa8c }
/* LiteralStringHeredoc */ .chroma .sh { color: #f1fa8c }
/* LiteralStringInterpol */ .chroma .si { color: #f1fa8c }
/* LiteralStringOther */ .chroma .sx { color: #f1fa8c }
/* LiteralStringRegex */ .chroma .sr { color: #f1fa8c }
/* LiteralStringSingle */ .chroma .s1 { color: #f1fa8c }
/* LiteralStringSymbol */ .chroma .ss { color: #f1fa8c }
/* LiteralNumber */ .chroma .m { color: #bd93f9 }
/* LiteralNumberBin */ .chroma .mb { color: #bd93f9 }
/* LiteralNumberFloat */ .chroma .mf { color: #bd93f9 }
/* LiteralNumberHex */ .chroma .mh { color: #bd93f9 }
/* LiteralNumberInteger */ .chroma .mi { color: #bd93f9 }
/* LiteralNumberIntegerLong */ .chroma .il { color: #bd93f9 }
/* LiteralNumberOct */ .chroma .mo { color: #bd93f9 }
/* Operator */ .chroma .o { color: #ff79c6 }
/* OperatorWord */ .chroma .ow { color: #ff79c6 }
/* Punctuation */ .chroma .p { }
/* Comment */ .chroma .c { color: #6272a4 }
/* CommentHashbang */ .chroma .ch { color: #6272a4 }
/* CommentMultiline */ .chroma .cm { color: #6272a4 }
/* CommentSingle */ .chroma .c1 { color: #6272a4 }
/* CommentSpecial */ .chroma .cs { color: #6272a4 }
/* CommentPreproc */ .chroma .cp { color: #ff79c6 }
/* CommentPreprocFile */ .chroma .cpf { color: #ff79c6 }
/* Generic */ .chroma .g { }
/* GenericDeleted */ .chroma .gd { color: #8b080b }
/* GenericEmph */ .chroma .ge { text-decoration: underline }
/* GenericError */ .chroma .gr { }
/* GenericHeading */ .chroma .gh { font-weight: bold }
/* GenericInserted */ .chroma .gi { font-weight: bold }
/* GenericOutput */ .chroma .go { color: #44475a }
/* GenericPrompt */ .chroma .gp { }
/* GenericStrong */ .chroma .gs { }
/* GenericSubheading */ .chroma .gu { font-weight: bold }
/* GenericTraceback */ .chroma .gt { }
/* GenericUnderline */ .chroma .gl { text-decoration: underline }
/* TextWhitespace */ .chroma .w { }
.lntd:first-of-type > .chroma {
.lntd:first-of-type > .chroma {
padding-right: 0;
padding-right: 0 !important;
.chroma code {
.chroma code {
font-family: 'Fira Code' !important;
font-family: 'Fira Code' !important;
font-size: 0.85em;
font-size: 0.85em !important;
line-height: 1em;
line-height: 2em !important;
background: none;
background: none !important;
padding: 0;
padding: 0 !important;
.chroma {
.chroma {
border-radius: 3px;
border-radius: 3px !important;
margin: 0;
margin: 0 !important;
@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ weight: 0
## Configuration
## Configuration
Quartz is designed to be extremely configurable. You can find the bulk of the configuration scattered throughout the repository depending on how in-depth you'd like to get.
Quartz is designed to be extremely configurable. You can find the bulk of the configuration scattered throughout the repository depending on how in-depth you'd like to get.
The majority of configuration can be be found under `data/config.yaml`. An annotated example configuration is shown below.
The majority of configuration can be found under `data/config.yaml`. An annotated example configuration is shown below.
```yaml {title="data/config.yaml"}
# The name to display in the footer
# The name to display in the footer
name: Jacky Zhao
name: Jacky Zhao
@ -25,6 +25,9 @@ openToc: false
# whether to display on-hover link preview cards
# whether to display on-hover link preview cards
enableLinkPreview: true
enableLinkPreview: true
# whether to render titles for code blocks
enableCodeBlockTitle: true
# whether to try to process Latex
# whether to try to process Latex
enableLatex: true
enableLatex: true
@ -60,12 +63,34 @@ links:
### Code Block Titles
To add code block titles with Quartz:
1. Ensure that code block titles are enabled in Quartz's configuration:
```yaml {title="data/config.yaml", linenos=false}
enableCodeBlockTitle: true
2. Add the `title` attribute to the desired [code block
```markdown {linenos=false}
```yaml {title="data/config.yaml"}
enableCodeBlockTitle: true # example from step 1
**Note** that if `{title=<my-title>}` is included, and code block titles are not
enabled, no errors will occur and the title attribute will be ignored.
### HTML Favicons
### HTML Favicons
If you would like to customize the favicons of your quartz-based website, you
If you would like to customize the favicons of your quartz-based website, you
can add them to the `data/config.yaml` file. The **default** without any set
can add them to the `data/config.yaml` file. The **default** without any set
`favicon` key is:
`favicon` key is:
```html {title="layouts/partials/head.html", linenostart=15}
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="icon.png" type="image/png">
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="icon.png" type="image/png">
@ -73,7 +98,7 @@ The default can be overridden by defining a value to the `favicon` key in your
`data/config.yaml` file. Here is a `List[Dictionary]` example format, which is
`data/config.yaml` file. Here is a `List[Dictionary]` example format, which is
equivalent to the default:
equivalent to the default:
```yaml {title="data/config.yaml", linenos=false}
- { rel: "shortcut icon", href: "icon.png", type: "image/png" }
- { rel: "shortcut icon", href: "icon.png", type: "image/png" }
# - { ... } # Repeat for each additional favicon you want to add
# - { ... } # Repeat for each additional favicon you want to add
@ -85,7 +110,7 @@ If you plan to add multiple favicons generated by a website (see list below), it
may be easier to define it as HTML. Here is an example which appends the
may be easier to define it as HTML. Here is an example which appends the
**Apple touch icon** to quartz's default favicon:
**Apple touch icon** to quartz's default favicon:
```yaml {title="data/config.yaml", linenos=false}
favicon: |
favicon: |
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="icon.png" type="image/png">
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="icon.png" type="image/png">
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="180x180" href="/apple-touch-icon.png">
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="180x180" href="/apple-touch-icon.png">
@ -102,7 +127,8 @@ attribute, are relative to the `static/` directory.
### Graph View
### Graph View
To customize the Interactive Graph view, you can poke around `data/graphConfig.yaml`.
To customize the Interactive Graph view, you can poke around `data/graphConfig.yaml`.
```yaml {title="data/graphConfig.yaml"}
# if true, a Global Graph will be shown on home page with full width, no backlink.
# if true, a Global Graph will be shown on home page with full width, no backlink.
# A different set of Local Graphs will be shown on sub pages.
# A different set of Local Graphs will be shown on sub pages.
# if false, Local Graph will be default on every page as usual
# if false, Local Graph will be default on every page as usual
@ -128,10 +154,10 @@ localGraph:
# how strongly nodes should repel each other
# how strongly nodes should repel each other
repelForce: 2
repelForce: 2
# how strongly should nodes be attracted to the center of gravity
# how strongly should nodes be attracted to the center of gravity
centerForce: 1
centerForce: 1
# what the default link length should be
# what the default link length should be
linkDistance: 1
linkDistance: 1
# how big the node labels should be
# how big the node labels should be
@ -179,4 +205,4 @@ defaultContentLanguage = 'ar'
languagedirection = 'rtl'
languagedirection = 'rtl'
title = 'مدونتي'
title = 'مدونتي'
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weight = 1
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{{partial "katex.html" .}}
{{partial "katex.html" .}}
@ -44,6 +48,12 @@
resources.Minify }}
resources.Minify }}
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"md5" | resources.Minify | }} {{$contentIndex := resources.Get
"md5" | resources.Minify | }} {{$contentIndex := resources.Get
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const pathWindow = window.location.pathname;
const pathWindow = window.location.pathname;
const isHome = pathBase == pathWindow;
const isHome = pathBase == pathWindow;
{{if $.Site.Data.config.enableSPA -}}
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// retry if the graph is not ready
// retry if the graph is not ready
@ -92,6 +106,7 @@
{{if $.Site.Data.config.enableLinkPreview}}
{{if $.Site.Data.config.enableLinkPreview}}
{{strings.TrimRight "/" .Site.BaseURL }},
{{strings.TrimRight "/" .Site.BaseURL }},
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const init = (doc = document) => {
const init = (doc = document) => {
// NOTE: everything within this callback will be executed for initial page navigation. This is a good place to put JavaScript that only replaces DOM nodes.
// NOTE: everything within this callback will be executed for initial page navigation. This is a good place to put JavaScript that only replaces DOM nodes.
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renderMathInElement(doc.body, {
renderMathInElement(doc.body, {
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delimiters: [
Reference in New Issue
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