2023-10-14 13:45:56 -07:00
import { promises } from "fs"
2023-08-28 00:59:51 +02:00
import path from "path"
import esbuild from "esbuild"
import chalk from "chalk"
import { sassPlugin } from "esbuild-sass-plugin"
import fs from "fs"
import { intro , outro , select , text } from "@clack/prompts"
import { rimraf } from "rimraf"
import chokidar from "chokidar"
import prettyBytes from "pretty-bytes"
import { execSync , spawnSync } from "child_process"
import http from "http"
import serveHandler from "serve-handler"
import { WebSocketServer } from "ws"
import { randomUUID } from "crypto"
import { Mutex } from "async-mutex"
import { CreateArgv } from "./args.js"
import {
exitIfCancel ,
escapePath ,
gitPull ,
popContentFolder ,
stashContentFolder ,
} from "./helpers.js"
import {
version ,
fp ,
cacheFile ,
cwd ,
} from "./constants.js"
/ * *
* Handles ` npx quartz create `
* @ param { * } argv arguments for ` create `
* /
export async function handleCreate ( argv ) {
console . log ( )
intro ( chalk . bgGreen . black ( ` Quartz v ${ version } ` ) )
const contentFolder = path . join ( cwd , argv . directory )
let setupStrategy = argv . strategy ? . toLowerCase ( )
let linkResolutionStrategy = argv . links ? . toLowerCase ( )
const sourceDirectory = argv . source
// If all cmd arguments were provided, check if theyre valid
if ( setupStrategy && linkResolutionStrategy ) {
// If setup isn't, "new", source argument is required
if ( setupStrategy !== "new" ) {
// Error handling
if ( ! sourceDirectory ) {
outro (
chalk . red (
` Setup strategies (arg ' ${ chalk . yellow (
` - ${ CreateArgv . strategy . alias [ 0 ] } ` ,
) } ') other than ' $ { chalk . yellow (
"new" ,
) } ' require content folder argument (' $ { chalk . yellow (
` - ${ CreateArgv . source . alias [ 0 ] } ` ,
) } ' ) to be set ` ,
) ,
process . exit ( 1 )
} else {
if ( ! fs . existsSync ( sourceDirectory ) ) {
outro (
chalk . red (
` Input directory to copy/symlink 'content' from not found (' ${ chalk . yellow (
sourceDirectory ,
) } ' , invalid argument " $ { chalk . yellow ( ` - ${ CreateArgv . source . alias [ 0 ] } ` ) } ) ` ,
) ,
process . exit ( 1 )
} else if ( ! fs . lstatSync ( sourceDirectory ) . isDirectory ( ) ) {
outro (
chalk . red (
` Source directory to copy/symlink 'content' from is not a directory (found file at ' ${ chalk . yellow (
sourceDirectory ,
) } ' , invalid argument $ { chalk . yellow ( ` - ${ CreateArgv . source . alias [ 0 ] } ` ) } " ) ` ,
) ,
process . exit ( 1 )
// Use cli process if cmd args werent provided
if ( ! setupStrategy ) {
setupStrategy = exitIfCancel (
await select ( {
message : ` Choose how to initialize the content in \` ${ contentFolder } \` ` ,
options : [
{ value : "new" , label : "Empty Quartz" } ,
{ value : "copy" , label : "Copy an existing folder" , hint : "overwrites `content`" } ,
value : "symlink" ,
label : "Symlink an existing folder" ,
hint : "don't select this unless you know what you are doing!" ,
} ,
] ,
} ) ,
async function rmContentFolder ( ) {
const contentStat = await fs . promises . lstat ( contentFolder )
if ( contentStat . isSymbolicLink ( ) ) {
await fs . promises . unlink ( contentFolder )
} else {
await rimraf ( contentFolder )
2024-02-05 19:45:36 +09:00
const gitkeepPath = path . join ( contentFolder , ".gitkeep" )
if ( fs . existsSync ( gitkeepPath ) ) {
await fs . promises . unlink ( gitkeepPath )
2023-08-28 00:59:51 +02:00
if ( setupStrategy === "copy" || setupStrategy === "symlink" ) {
let originalFolder = sourceDirectory
// If input directory was not passed, use cli
if ( ! sourceDirectory ) {
originalFolder = escapePath (
exitIfCancel (
await text ( {
message : "Enter the full path to existing content folder" ,
placeholder :
"On most terminal emulators, you can drag and drop a folder into the window and it will paste the full path" ,
validate ( fp ) {
const fullPath = escapePath ( fp )
if ( ! fs . existsSync ( fullPath ) ) {
return "The given path doesn't exist"
} else if ( ! fs . lstatSync ( fullPath ) . isDirectory ( ) ) {
return "The given path is not a folder"
} ,
} ) ,
) ,
await rmContentFolder ( )
if ( setupStrategy === "copy" ) {
await fs . promises . cp ( originalFolder , contentFolder , {
recursive : true ,
preserveTimestamps : true ,
} )
} else if ( setupStrategy === "symlink" ) {
await fs . promises . symlink ( originalFolder , contentFolder , "dir" )
} else if ( setupStrategy === "new" ) {
await fs . promises . writeFile (
path . join ( contentFolder , "index.md" ) ,
` ---
title : Welcome to Quartz
-- -
This is a blank Quartz installation .
See the [ documentation ] ( https : //quartz.jzhao.xyz) for how to get started.
` ,
// Use cli process if cmd args werent provided
if ( ! linkResolutionStrategy ) {
// get a preferred link resolution strategy
linkResolutionStrategy = exitIfCancel (
await select ( {
2024-02-05 19:45:36 +09:00
message : ` Choose how Quartz should resolve links in your content. This should match Obsidian's link format. You can change this later in \` quartz.config.ts \` . ` ,
2023-08-28 00:59:51 +02:00
options : [
value : "shortest" ,
label : "Treat links as shortest path" ,
2024-02-05 19:45:36 +09:00
hint : "(default)" ,
} ,
value : "absolute" ,
label : "Treat links as absolute path" ,
2023-08-28 00:59:51 +02:00
} ,
value : "relative" ,
label : "Treat links as relative paths" ,
} ,
] ,
} ) ,
// now, do config changes
const configFilePath = path . join ( cwd , "quartz.config.ts" )
let configContent = await fs . promises . readFile ( configFilePath , { encoding : "utf-8" } )
configContent = configContent . replace (
/markdownLinkResolution: '(.+)'/ ,
` markdownLinkResolution: ' ${ linkResolutionStrategy } ' ` ,
await fs . promises . writeFile ( configFilePath , configContent )
2024-01-05 17:29:34 +09:00
// setup remote
execSync (
` git remote show upstream || git remote add upstream https://github.com/jackyzha0/quartz.git ` ,
2024-02-05 19:45:36 +09:00
{ stdio : "ignore" } ,
2024-01-05 17:29:34 +09:00
2023-08-28 00:59:51 +02:00
outro ( ` You're all set! Not sure what to do next? Try:
• Customizing Quartz a bit more by editing \ ` quartz.config.ts \`
• Running \ ` npx quartz build --serve \` to preview your Quartz locally
• Hosting your Quartz online ( see : https : //quartz.jzhao.xyz/hosting)
` )
/ * *
* Handles ` npx quartz build `
* @ param { * } argv arguments for ` build `
* /
export async function handleBuild ( argv ) {
console . log ( chalk . bgGreen . black ( ` \n Quartz v ${ version } \n ` ) )
const ctx = await esbuild . context ( {
entryPoints : [ fp ] ,
outfile : cacheFile ,
bundle : true ,
keepNames : true ,
minifyWhitespace : true ,
minifySyntax : true ,
platform : "node" ,
format : "esm" ,
jsx : "automatic" ,
jsxImportSource : "preact" ,
packages : "external" ,
metafile : true ,
sourcemap : true ,
sourcesContent : false ,
plugins : [
sassPlugin ( {
type : "css-text" ,
cssImports : true ,
} ) ,
name : "inline-script-loader" ,
setup ( build ) {
build . onLoad ( { filter : /\.inline\.(ts|js)$/ } , async ( args ) => {
let text = await promises . readFile ( args . path , "utf8" )
// remove default exports that we manually inserted
text = text . replace ( "export default" , "" )
text = text . replace ( "export" , "" )
const sourcefile = path . relative ( path . resolve ( "." ) , args . path )
const resolveDir = path . dirname ( sourcefile )
const transpiled = await esbuild . build ( {
stdin : {
contents : text ,
loader : "ts" ,
resolveDir ,
sourcefile ,
} ,
write : false ,
bundle : true ,
2024-02-05 19:45:36 +09:00
minify : true ,
2023-08-28 00:59:51 +02:00
platform : "browser" ,
format : "esm" ,
} )
const rawMod = transpiled . outputFiles [ 0 ] . text
return {
contents : rawMod ,
loader : "text" ,
} )
} ,
} ,
] ,
} )
const buildMutex = new Mutex ( )
let lastBuildMs = 0
let cleanupBuild = null
const build = async ( clientRefresh ) => {
const buildStart = new Date ( ) . getTime ( )
lastBuildMs = buildStart
const release = await buildMutex . acquire ( )
if ( lastBuildMs > buildStart ) {
release ( )
if ( cleanupBuild ) {
await cleanupBuild ( )
console . log ( chalk . yellow ( "Detected a source code change, doing a hard rebuild..." ) )
const result = await ctx . rebuild ( ) . catch ( ( err ) => {
console . error ( ` ${ chalk . red ( "Couldn't parse Quartz configuration:" ) } ${ fp } ` )
console . log ( ` Reason: ${ chalk . grey ( err ) } ` )
process . exit ( 1 )
} )
release ( )
if ( argv . bundleInfo ) {
const outputFileName = "quartz/.quartz-cache/transpiled-build.mjs"
const meta = result . metafile . outputs [ outputFileName ]
console . log (
` Successfully transpiled ${ Object . keys ( meta . inputs ) . length } files ( ${ prettyBytes (
meta . bytes ,
) } ) ` ,
console . log ( await esbuild . analyzeMetafile ( result . metafile , { color : true } ) )
// bypass module cache
// https://github.com/nodejs/modules/issues/307
const { default : buildQuartz } = await import ( ` ../../ ${ cacheFile } ?update= ${ randomUUID ( ) } ` )
// ^ this import is relative, so base "cacheFile" path can't be used
cleanupBuild = await buildQuartz ( argv , buildMutex , clientRefresh )
clientRefresh ( )
if ( argv . serve ) {
const connections = [ ]
const clientRefresh = ( ) => connections . forEach ( ( conn ) => conn . send ( "rebuild" ) )
if ( argv . baseDir !== "" && ! argv . baseDir . startsWith ( "/" ) ) {
argv . baseDir = "/" + argv . baseDir
await build ( clientRefresh )
const server = http . createServer ( async ( req , res ) => {
if ( argv . baseDir && ! req . url ? . startsWith ( argv . baseDir ) ) {
console . log (
chalk . red (
` [404] ${ req . url } (warning: link outside of site, this is likely a Quartz bug) ` ,
) ,
res . writeHead ( 404 )
res . end ( )
// strip baseDir prefix
req . url = req . url ? . slice ( argv . baseDir . length )
const serve = async ( ) => {
const release = await buildMutex . acquire ( )
await serveHandler ( req , res , {
public : argv . output ,
directoryListing : false ,
headers : [
2024-02-05 19:45:36 +09:00
source : "**/*.*" ,
2023-08-28 00:59:51 +02:00
headers : [ { key : "Content-Disposition" , value : "inline" } ] ,
} ,
] ,
} )
const status = res . statusCode
const statusString =
status >= 200 && status < 300 ? chalk . green ( ` [ ${ status } ] ` ) : chalk . red ( ` [ ${ status } ] ` )
console . log ( statusString + chalk . grey ( ` ${ argv . baseDir } ${ req . url } ` ) )
release ( )
const redirect = ( newFp ) => {
newFp = argv . baseDir + newFp
res . writeHead ( 302 , {
Location : newFp ,
} )
console . log ( chalk . yellow ( "[302]" ) + chalk . grey ( ` ${ argv . baseDir } ${ req . url } -> ${ newFp } ` ) )
res . end ( )
let fp = req . url ? . split ( "?" ) [ 0 ] ? ? "/"
// handle redirects
if ( fp . endsWith ( "/" ) ) {
// /trailing/
// does /trailing/index.html exist? if so, serve it
const indexFp = path . posix . join ( fp , "index.html" )
if ( fs . existsSync ( path . posix . join ( argv . output , indexFp ) ) ) {
req . url = fp
return serve ( )
// does /trailing.html exist? if so, redirect to /trailing
let base = fp . slice ( 0 , - 1 )
if ( path . extname ( base ) === "" ) {
base += ".html"
if ( fs . existsSync ( path . posix . join ( argv . output , base ) ) ) {
return redirect ( fp . slice ( 0 , - 1 ) )
} else {
// /regular
// does /regular.html exist? if so, serve it
let base = fp
if ( path . extname ( base ) === "" ) {
base += ".html"
if ( fs . existsSync ( path . posix . join ( argv . output , base ) ) ) {
req . url = fp
return serve ( )
// does /regular/index.html exist? if so, redirect to /regular/
let indexFp = path . posix . join ( fp , "index.html" )
if ( fs . existsSync ( path . posix . join ( argv . output , indexFp ) ) ) {
return redirect ( fp + "/" )
return serve ( )
} )
server . listen ( argv . port )
2023-08-27 17:39:42 -07:00
const wss = new WebSocketServer ( { port : argv . wsPort } )
2023-08-28 00:59:51 +02:00
wss . on ( "connection" , ( ws ) => connections . push ( ws ) )
console . log (
chalk . cyan (
` Started a Quartz server listening at http://localhost: ${ argv . port } ${ argv . baseDir } ` ,
) ,
console . log ( "hint: exit with ctrl+c" )
. watch ( [ "**/*.ts" , "**/*.tsx" , "**/*.scss" , "package.json" ] , {
ignoreInitial : true ,
} )
. on ( "all" , async ( ) => {
build ( clientRefresh )
} )
} else {
await build ( ( ) => { } )
ctx . dispose ( )
/ * *
* Handles ` npx quartz update `
* @ param { * } argv arguments for ` update `
* /
export async function handleUpdate ( argv ) {
const contentFolder = path . join ( cwd , argv . directory )
console . log ( chalk . bgGreen . black ( ` \n Quartz v ${ version } \n ` ) )
console . log ( "Backing up your content" )
execSync (
` git remote show upstream || git remote add upstream https://github.com/jackyzha0/quartz.git ` ,
await stashContentFolder ( contentFolder )
console . log (
"Pulling updates... you may need to resolve some `git` conflicts if you've made changes to components or plugins." ,
2024-01-05 17:29:34 +09:00
try {
} catch {
2024-02-05 19:45:36 +09:00
console . log ( chalk . red ( "An error occurred above while pulling updates." ) )
2024-01-05 17:29:34 +09:00
await popContentFolder ( contentFolder )
2023-08-28 00:59:51 +02:00
await popContentFolder ( contentFolder )
console . log ( "Ensuring dependencies are up to date" )
2024-01-05 17:29:34 +09:00
const res = spawnSync ( "npm" , [ "i" ] , { stdio : "inherit" } )
if ( res . status === 0 ) {
console . log ( chalk . green ( "Done!" ) )
} else {
console . log ( chalk . red ( "An error occurred above while installing dependencies." ) )
2023-08-28 00:59:51 +02:00
/ * *
* Handles ` npx quartz restore `
* @ param { * } argv arguments for ` restore `
* /
export async function handleRestore ( argv ) {
const contentFolder = path . join ( cwd , argv . directory )
await popContentFolder ( contentFolder )
/ * *
* Handles ` npx quartz sync `
* @ param { * } argv arguments for ` sync `
* /
export async function handleSync ( argv ) {
const contentFolder = path . join ( cwd , argv . directory )
console . log ( chalk . bgGreen . black ( ` \n Quartz v ${ version } \n ` ) )
console . log ( "Backing up your content" )
if ( argv . commit ) {
const contentStat = await fs . promises . lstat ( contentFolder )
if ( contentStat . isSymbolicLink ( ) ) {
const linkTarg = await fs . promises . readlink ( contentFolder )
console . log ( chalk . yellow ( "Detected symlink, trying to dereference before committing" ) )
// stash symlink file
await stashContentFolder ( contentFolder )
// follow symlink and copy content
await fs . promises . cp ( linkTarg , contentFolder , {
recursive : true ,
preserveTimestamps : true ,
} )
const currentTimestamp = new Date ( ) . toLocaleString ( "en-US" , {
dateStyle : "medium" ,
timeStyle : "short" ,
} )
2023-11-12 14:27:53 -08:00
const commitMessage = argv . message ? ? ` Quartz sync: ${ currentTimestamp } `
2023-08-28 00:59:51 +02:00
spawnSync ( "git" , [ "add" , "." ] , { stdio : "inherit" } )
2023-11-12 14:27:53 -08:00
spawnSync ( "git" , [ "commit" , "-m" , commitMessage ] , { stdio : "inherit" } )
2023-08-28 00:59:51 +02:00
if ( contentStat . isSymbolicLink ( ) ) {
// put symlink back
await popContentFolder ( contentFolder )
await stashContentFolder ( contentFolder )
if ( argv . pull ) {
console . log (
"Pulling updates from your repository. You may need to resolve some `git` conflicts if you've made changes to components or plugins." ,
2024-01-05 17:29:34 +09:00
try {
} catch {
2024-02-05 19:45:36 +09:00
console . log ( chalk . red ( " An error occurred above while pulling updates . " ) )
2024-01-05 17:29:34 +09:00
await popContentFolder ( contentFolder )
2023-08-28 00:59:51 +02:00
await popContentFolder ( contentFolder )
if ( argv . push ) {
console . log ( "Pushing your changes" )
2024-01-05 17:29:34 +09:00
const res = spawnSync ( "git" , [ "push" , "-uf" , ORIGIN _NAME , QUARTZ _SOURCE _BRANCH ] , {
stdio : "inherit" ,
} )
if ( res . status !== 0 ) {
console . log ( chalk . red ( ` An error occurred above while pushing to remote ${ ORIGIN _NAME } . ` ) )
2023-08-28 00:59:51 +02:00
console . log ( chalk . green ( "Done!" ) )