quartz-research-note/content/The Invisible Computer - Donald Norman.md

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date: 2025-01-24 10:29
[[Donald Norman]] (1999)
[The Invisible Computer : Donald A. Norman : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive](https://archive.org/details/invisiblecompute00norm_0)
[[Mark Weiser]]の[[ユビキタス・コンピューティング]]の影響に加えて、[[インフラストラクチャ]]の重要性について言及
> Infrastructure is usually thought to be dull. Tedious. Few people wish to think about it is necessary, which is then often too late. Once Established, it is expensive and often difficult to change.(p132)
> Perhaps the best example of an effective, well-accepted family of information appliances is that of electric musical instruments, such as electric guitars, keyboards, drum machines, and synthesizers, along with the wide variety of sound generation and processing algorithms that supplement the musical devices(p.57)