{{ $content := .Content }} {{ $raw := .RawContent }} {{ $page := .Page }} {{/* Escape slashes for Latex to fix line breaks */}} {{$latex := findRE "(?:\\${2}([^\\$]+)\\${2})|(?:\\$([^\\$]*)\\$)" $content}} {{range $latex}} {{$fixed := replaceRE "\\\\(?: +|\\n)" "\\\\ " .}} {{$content = replace $content . $fixed}} {{end}} {{/* Wikilinks */}} {{$wikilinks := $content | findRE "!?\\[\\[\\S[^\\[\\]\\|]*(?:\\|[^\\[\\]]*)?\\S\\]\\]" }} {{$codefences := $raw | findRE "\\x60[^\\x60\\n]+\\x60"}} {{$codeblocks := $raw | findRE "\\x60{3}[^\\x60]+\\x60{3}"}} {{$code := union $codefences $codeblocks}} {{range $wikilinks}} {{$cur := .}} {{$incode := false}} {{range $code}} {{if (in . $cur)}} {{$incode = true}} {{end}} {{end}} {{if not $incode}} <!-- remove link delimiters --> {{$inner := . | strings.TrimPrefix "!" | strings.TrimPrefix "[[" | strings.TrimSuffix "]]" }} <!-- split from alias --> {{$split := split $inner "|"}} <!-- separate link path --> {{$path := index $split 0}} {{$reference := split $path "#"}} <!-- path with heading link removed --> {{$title := index $reference 0}} <!-- $display is hyperlink display text --> <!-- use alias, else title --> {{$display := default $title (index $split 1)}} <!-- remove subfolder from title --> {{$display := index (last 1 (split $display "/")) 0}} <!-- attempt to get title --> {{$searchtitle := $title }} {{$curpage := $page.GetPage $searchtitle }} <!-- attempt to search md file instead --> {{ if (eq $curpage.String "nopPage") }} {{$searchtitle = (add $title ".md") }} {{$curpage = $page.GetPage $searchtitle }} {{ end }} <!-- attempt to reverse typographer behaviour --> {{ if (eq $curpage.String "nopPage") }} {{$searchtitle = (replace $searchtitle "&" "&") }} {{$searchtitle = (replace $searchtitle """ "\"") }} {{$searchtitle = (replace $searchtitle "”" "\"") }} {{$searchtitle = (replace $searchtitle "“" "\"") }} {{$searchtitle = (replace $searchtitle "’" "'") }} {{$searchtitle = (replace $searchtitle "‘" "'") }} {{$curpage = $page.GetPage $searchtitle }} {{ end }} {{$relpath := relURL $path}} <!-- If path to Hugo page --> {{if not (eq $curpage.String "nopPage") }} {{$block := default "" (index $reference 1)}} {{$block = strings.TrimRight "/" (cond (eq $block "") $block (printf "#%s" $block)) | urlize | lower}} {{$href := strings.TrimRight "/" $curpage.RelPermalink}} {{$link := printf "<a href=\"%s%s\" rel=\"noopener\" class=\"internal-link\" data-src=\"%s\">%s</a>" $href $block $href $display}} {{$content = replace $content . $link}} <!-- If path to existing file --> {{else if fileExists $relpath}} {{$splitpath := split $relpath "/"}} {{$dirname := first (sub (len $splitpath) 1) $splitpath | path.Join | urlize}} {{$basename := index (last 1 $splitpath) 0}} {{$href := printf "/%s/%s" $dirname $basename}} <!-- Embedded? --> {{if (hasPrefix . "!")}} {{ $embed_ext := lower (path.Ext $href) }} <!-- Image --> {{if in ".png .jpg .jpeg .gif .bmp .svg" $embed_ext }} {{$width := default "auto" (index $split 1) }} {{$link := printf "<img src=\"%s\" width=\"%s\" />" $href $width}} {{$content = replace $content . $link}} <!-- Video --> {{else if in ".mp4 .webm .ogv .mov .mkv" $embed_ext}} {{$link := printf "<video src=\"%s\" style=\"width: -webkit-fill-available;\" controls></video>" $href}} {{$content = replace $content . $link}} <!-- Audio --> {{else if in ".mp3 .webm .wav .m4a .ogg .3gp .flac" $embed_ext}} {{$link := printf "<audio src=\"%s\" controls></audio>" $href}} {{$content = replace $content . $link}} <!-- PDF --> {{else if in ".pdf" $embed_ext }} {{$src_link := printf "<a href=\"%s\" rel=\"noopener\" class=\"internal-link\">[source]</a>" $href}} {{$iframe_link := printf "<iframe src=\"%s\" style=\"height: -webkit-fill-available; width: -webkit-fill-available;\"></iframe>" $href}} {{$link := printf "%s<br>%s" $src_link $iframe_link}} {{$content = replace $content . $link}} <!-- other --> {{else}} {{$link := printf "<a href=\"%s\" rel=\"noopener\" class=\"internal-link\">%s</a>" $href $href}} {{$content = replace $content . $link}} {{end}} {{else}} {{$link := printf "<a href=\"%s\" rel=\"noopener\" class=\"internal-link\">%s</a>" $href $display}} {{$content = replace $content . $link}} {{end}} <!-- Broken path --> {{else}} {{$link := printf "<a class=\"internal-link broken\">%s</a>" $display}} {{$content = replace $content . $link}} {{end}} {{end}} {{end}} {{/* Add jumpable anchors */}} {{ $content = $content | replaceRE "(<h[1-9] id=\"([^\"]+)\">)(.+)(</h[1-9]>)" `<a href="#${2}">${1}<span class="hanchor" ariaLabel="Anchor"># </span>${3}${4}</a>` }} {{/* Callouts */}} {{if $.Site.Data.config.enableCallouts}} {{ $content = $content | replaceRE "<blockquote>" "<blockquote class=callout>" }} {{ $blockquoteclasses := findRE `\[!.+\]` $content }} {{ $blockquoteclasses1 := findRE "<blockquote.*?>(.|\n)*?</blockquote>" $content }} {{ $blockquotetags := findRE `blockquote class=callout` $content }} {{ $counter := 0 }} {{ $counter1 := 0 }} {{ $finder := index $blockquoteclasses1 $counter }} {{range $blockquotetags}} {{ $finder = index $blockquoteclasses1 $counter }} {{ if (in $finder "[!") }} {{ $inner := index $blockquoteclasses $counter1 }} {{ if (in $finder "]-") }} {{ $inner = $inner | replaceRE `\[!([a-zA-Z]+)\]` `callout-collapsible callout-collapsed ${1}`}} {{ else if (in $finder "]+") }} {{ $inner = $inner | replaceRE `\[!([a-zA-Z]+)\]` `callout-collapsible ${1}`}} {{ else}} {{ $inner = $inner | replaceRE `\[!([a-zA-Z]+)\]` `${1}` }} {{ end }} {{ $inner = printf "blockquote class=\"%s-callout\"" $inner | lower}} {{ $content = replace $content . $inner 1}} {{ $counter1 = add $counter1 1 }} {{ else }} {{ $inner := print "blockquote" }} {{ $content = replace $content . $inner 1}} {{ end }} {{ $counter = add $counter 1 }} {{end}} {{ $content = $content | replaceRE `\[![a-zA-Z]+\][-\+]?` "" }} {{ $content = $content | replaceRE "blockquote class=callout" "blockquote" }} {{ $content = $content | replaceRE `(?s)(<blockquote class="\S+-callout">.*?)<br>(.*?<\/blockquote)` `${1}</p><p>${2}` }} {{end}} {{/* Make ==text== into <mark>text</mark> */}} {{$mark := findRE "==([^=\n]+)==" $content}} {{range $mark}} {{$fixed := printf "<mark>%s</mark>" (replace . "==" "")}} {{$content = replace $content . $fixed}} {{end}} {{ $content | safeHTML }}