export default class DepGraph<T> { // node: incoming and outgoing edges _graph = new Map<T, { incoming: Set<T>; outgoing: Set<T> }>() constructor() { this._graph = new Map() } export(): Object { return { nodes: this.nodes, edges: this.edges, } } toString(): string { return JSON.stringify(this.export(), null, 2) } // BASIC GRAPH OPERATIONS get nodes(): T[] { return Array.from(this._graph.keys()) } get edges(): [T, T][] { let edges: [T, T][] = [] this.forEachEdge((edge) => edges.push(edge)) return edges } hasNode(node: T): boolean { return this._graph.has(node) } addNode(node: T): void { if (!this._graph.has(node)) { this._graph.set(node, { incoming: new Set(), outgoing: new Set() }) } } removeNode(node: T): void { if (this._graph.has(node)) { this._graph.delete(node) } } hasEdge(from: T, to: T): boolean { return Boolean(this._graph.get(from)?.outgoing.has(to)) } addEdge(from: T, to: T): void { this.addNode(from) this.addNode(to) this._graph.get(from)!.outgoing.add(to) this._graph.get(to)!.incoming.add(from) } removeEdge(from: T, to: T): void { if (this._graph.has(from) && this._graph.has(to)) { this._graph.get(from)!.outgoing.delete(to) this._graph.get(to)!.incoming.delete(from) } } // returns -1 if node does not exist outDegree(node: T): number { return this.hasNode(node) ? this._graph.get(node)!.outgoing.size : -1 } // returns -1 if node does not exist inDegree(node: T): number { return this.hasNode(node) ? this._graph.get(node)!.incoming.size : -1 } forEachOutNeighbor(node: T, callback: (neighbor: T) => void): void { this._graph.get(node)?.outgoing.forEach(callback) } forEachInNeighbor(node: T, callback: (neighbor: T) => void): void { this._graph.get(node)?.incoming.forEach(callback) } forEachEdge(callback: (edge: [T, T]) => void): void { for (const [source, { outgoing }] of this._graph.entries()) { for (const target of outgoing) { callback([source, target]) } } } // DEPENDENCY ALGORITHMS // For the node provided: // If node does not exist, add it // If an incoming edge was added in other, it is added in this graph // If an incoming edge was deleted in other, it is deleted in this graph updateIncomingEdgesForNode(other: DepGraph<T>, node: T): void { this.addNode(node) // Add edge if it is present in other other.forEachInNeighbor(node, (neighbor) => { this.addEdge(neighbor, node) }) // For node provided, remove incoming edge if it is absent in other this.forEachEdge(([source, target]) => { if (target === node && !other.hasEdge(source, target)) { this.removeEdge(source, target) } }) } // Get all leaf nodes (i.e. destination paths) reachable from the node provided // Eg. if the graph is A -> B -> C // D ---^ // and the node is B, this function returns [C] getLeafNodes(node: T): Set<T> { let stack: T[] = [node] let visited = new Set<T>() let leafNodes = new Set<T>() // DFS while (stack.length > 0) { let node = stack.pop()! // If the node is already visited, skip it if (visited.has(node)) { continue } visited.add(node) // Check if the node is a leaf node (i.e. destination path) if (this.outDegree(node) === 0) { leafNodes.add(node) } // Add all unvisited neighbors to the stack this.forEachOutNeighbor(node, (neighbor) => { if (!visited.has(neighbor)) { stack.push(neighbor) } }) } return leafNodes } // Get all ancestors of the leaf nodes reachable from the node provided // Eg. if the graph is A -> B -> C // D ---^ // and the node is B, this function returns [A, B, D] getLeafNodeAncestors(node: T): Set<T> { const leafNodes = this.getLeafNodes(node) let visited = new Set<T>() let upstreamNodes = new Set<T>() // Backwards DFS for each leaf node leafNodes.forEach((leafNode) => { let stack: T[] = [leafNode] while (stack.length > 0) { let node = stack.pop()! if (visited.has(node)) { continue } visited.add(node) // Add node if it's not a leaf node (i.e. destination path) // Assumes destination file cannot depend on another destination file if (this.outDegree(node) !== 0) { upstreamNodes.add(node) } // Add all unvisited parents to the stack this.forEachInNeighbor(node, (parentNode) => { if (!visited.has(parentNode)) { stack.push(parentNode) } }) } }) return upstreamNodes } }